S-a întâmplat ceva extraordinar ce nu s-a mai întâmplat niciodată. Ați sprijinit complet toți copiii de pe site-ul nostru și le-ați dat speranță pentru o copilărie mai fericită. În acest moment procesăm alte povești de copii pe care le vom publica pe site cât mai curând posibil.

Helped Icon
children were helped
Raised Icon
money we raised
Donors Icon
donors we have

Success stories

We pride ourselves with the help we managed to offer so far, but we are not stoping here.

S-a întâmplat ceva extraordinar ce nu s-a mai întâmplat niciodată. Ați sprijinit complet toți copiii de pe site-ul nostru și le-ați dat speranță pentru o copilărie mai fericită. În acest moment procesăm alte povești de copii pe care le vom publica pe site cât mai curând posibil.

Ajutați copiii ce au nevoie de dvs. și prin redirecționarea impozitului pe venit sau profit

Opțiunile pentru a face bine sunt infinite. Astfel, aducem în fața dvs. și posibilitatea de a ajuta copiii ce au nevoie de dvs. prin redirecționarea unui procentaj din impozitele ce merg deja către stat, pe lângă donațiile directe.

Cum funcționează?

We are the
Premier Energy Foundation

Premier Energy Foundation is a non-profit organization whose main purpose is to help the children in Romania that come from socially disadvantaged environments, who do not have acces to education, who can't achieve their full potential as a result of a lack of financial resources, and children who struggle with medical conditions.

We believe that every child deserves a happy and healthy childhood. We are committed to empowering children through: education, giving them the tools which they need to reach full potential, access to support medical, basic needs and other necessary resources that can help them overcome challenges. We believe that by investing in children, we invest in the future of our communities.

You are the most important part

You decide where and how much you contribute. You can also recommend us a story of a child you know. We are grateful either way! We will keep you updated on any news about the stories you support.
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How does it work?

It starts with a story

We bring forward the stories of children who come from socially disadvantaged environments, who struggle with medical problems, or who cannot achieve their full potential as a result of lack of financial support. Their stories can be told by parents, teachers, social assistants and family friends. Anyone can contact us and tell us a story or ask for help!

We can help together!

Each story will consist of a fundraising campaign for a certain good or service, during a limited period of time. Anyone can contribute to this campaign. We transfer 100% of donations to the children, while other expenses are covered by us.

You decide

With the support of our donors and sponsors, children up to 18 will receive the necessary financial aid to develop their abilities and confidence they need to build a promising future.

Who is the guarantor of the story?

Each story needs a guarantor. This person gives credibility to the story of the child. Anyone who knows the child - a teacher, a coach or a social assistant - can become a guarantor. Do you know a child who needs our help?
I want to become a guarantor